Yearly Planning

Yearly Planning

Planning can be defined as a practice aimed at preparing the education system to address the future

and to achieve the medium and long-term goals set by

policy-makers. In order to fulfil this function

effectively, educational planners need to have an

understanding of the concepts which are defining

and shaping their area of work. At the same time, they have to be aware of the context, challenges

and constraints that arise when carrying out the operational activities of educational planning.

The three units of this module therefore examine both the concepts and the context of educational


Course content:

Education sector planning


key concepts, contextual factors and main stages;

Comparative and international perspectives: major trends in educational development in

different parts of the world, the related challenges for forward planning;

New frameworks for planning: ‘new’ international commitments (such as Education for All, the

Fast Track Initiative, poverty reduction strategies, Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s),

etc.) and their influence on the approaches, instruments, and processes for the development

of educational planning.


Expected learning outcomes:

Upon completion of Module 1 you should be able to:

Master key concepts, characteristics and ma

in stages of education sector planning;

Identify the main contextual factors affecting educational planning;

Discuss the main challenges facing educational planning;

Compare educational development patterns in different regions;

Identify the international commitments and frameworks guiding educational planning;

Discuss the main aid modalities in education.


Need help?


In case you have specific questions or any difficulties in understanding the material or work

instructions related to this module, you should first contact your country Group Coordinator who will

assist you in addressing them. The IIEP module instructors, named above would be happy to answer

any further questions via the Module-1 Discussion Forum within the e-learning platform.


Questions for indivi

dual reflection:

While reading the materials relating to the present module, you will regularly come across

’Questions for individual reflection’. Reflecting on and responding to these questions will help

you to clarify whether you have understood certain relevant parts or aspects of the module


We suggest that you answer each of these questions individually and take short notes of your

answers. Then, compare and discuss your answ

ers and possible doubts with your colleagues

during the weekly sessions organized by your Group Coordinator.

The questions for individual reflection will not be marked - you will not have to submit your

responses to the IIEP module inst

ructors. The objective of these questions is to improve your

understanding of the material. Therefore, it is important that you prepare your answers to

these questions and participate in the weekly sessions as sound preparation for future work.

Group Activity :

At the end of Unit 3, you will find a Group Activity. For the preparation of the group response,

we suggest that you start reading the material and responding to the activity individually.

Then, compare and discuss your answers and points of view with your colleagues during the

group sessions organized by your Group Coordinator. Finally, your group should prepare a

consolidated group response

for this group activity.

Your Group Coordinator is expected to submit the group response to the IIEP instructors on or

before the indicated deadline. The submission of

the group response is compulsory and will

be also considered as a preparation for the indi

vidual examination and the elaboration of your

country plan/review document.

Your group responses to the assignment will be

marked by the IIEP instructors. Within one

week after your submission, your group will re

ceive an assessment report containing the

instructors’ comments and remarks on your work as well as a group mark.